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Who are we ?

Who are we ?

"And behold, I am with you always until the end of the world." (Mt 28.20)

It is with these words of Jesus that the Apostolic Fraternity of Saint Benedict-Joseph Labre pursues the Mission of evangelization and faith formation for young families.  Our journey of evangelization brings us ever closer to the poor and the little ones, to people who seek Christ in a desire for truth and sincere friendship.

Our Fraternity has three branches: priests and future priests, consecrated persons and families who are committed to living their Christian and family life to the full.

Where are we located ?

Since August 15, 2011, we have arrived in Abitibi in Quebec to accomplish, in the Will of our Father, the foundation of the Fraternity of Saint Benedict-Joseph Labre.  The land where the Monastery of the Fraternity will be built, and on which a small house already exists, is located in the parish of Saint-Dominique-du-Rosaire.

Our way of life

We are a new semi-monastic foundation that combines work and contemplation, pastoral action and the life of prayer and meditation, teaching and Eucharistic adoration.  We begin our life experience and already we feel how good the Lord is and how He takes care of us.

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